For the application of this Code in Wallis and Futuna, the terms listed below are replaced as follows:
1° “Judicial Court” by “Court of First Instance”;
2° “Commercial Court” by “Court of First Instance dealing with commercial matters”;
3° “Public Prosecutor” by “Public Prosecutor at the Court of First Instance”;
4° “Family Court Judge” by “President of the Court of First Instance or his delegate”;
5° “Court of Appeal” by “High Court of Appeal”;
6° “Région”, “département” and “commune” by “collectivité de Wallis-et-Futuna”;
7° “Préfet” or “préfet du département” by “représentant de l’Etat à Wallis-et-Futuna”;
8° “Maire, conseiller municipal, fonctionnaire municipal” by “chef de circonscription”;
9° “Mairie de la commune” and “mairie” by “siège de la circonscription”;
10° “Caisse des dépôts et consignations” by “Trésor public”.
In addition, the powers vested in bailiffs are also exercised by the administrative or military authority and those vested in auctioneers by the clerk of the court of first instance.