In addition to the Prefect or his representative and the President of the Mayotte Departmental Council, the Regional Employment, Training and Vocational Guidance Committee is made up of members appointed by order of the Prefect:
1° Eight representatives of the State:
a) The education authority rector;
b) The commanding officer of the Mayotte adapted military service regiment;
c) The director of the economy, employment, work and solidarity;
d) The head of maritime affairs;
e) The director of agriculture, agri-food and forestry;
f) A local representative of the prison administration;
g) Two other representatives of the State appointed by the Prefect;
2° Seven representatives of the Department of Mayotte appointed by the Departmental Council, as well as the Chairman of the Departmental Council or his representative;
3° A number between five and eleven under a and b of representatives appointed by their respective organisations:
a) Trade union organisations representing employees at national and cross-industry level, trade union organisations representing employees at regional and cross-industry level and trade union organisations representing employees working in sectors corresponding to those of the interested organisations mentioned in III of article R. 2272-9 ;
b) Professional employers’ organisations representative at national and cross-industry level, professional employers’ organisations representative at regional and cross-industry level, or at multi-professional level, as well as each of the three consular networks;
4° Representatives of the main local employment, training and vocational guidance operators, including a representative of higher education establishments, the regional director of Pôle emploi, a representative of organisations responsible for supporting people recognised as disabled workers, a representative of Mayotte’s local missions and a representative of organisations responsible for supporting managers and similar staff, the Director of the Centre d’animation, de ressources et d’information sur les formations et observatoire régional de l’emploi et de la formation professionnelle, the Regional Director of the Office national d’information des enseignements et des professions, the President of the Conseil économique, social et environnemental de Mayotte, the Regional Delegate of the Agence de l’outre-mer pour la mobilité, and a representative of the Chambre de l’économie sociale et solidaire de Mayotte ;
5° Persons qualified in the field of ecological transition, after consultation with the President of the Regional Council and the Economic, Social and Environmental Council.
The representatives appointed under 2° include an equal number of men and women, in accordance with the principle of parity as defined in Article L. 6123-3. The representative appointed in application of g of 1° must be of the gender that has the fewest representatives appointed in application of a to f.
The members mentioned in 4° and 5° of this article do not have the right to vote.
For the application of this article, the Prefect shall determine the number and list of representative organisations at regional level mentioned in a and b of 3° of Article R. 6523-19, in application of the provisions of Chapter II of Title II of Book I of Part Two and Chapter II of Title V of the same book.