The implementation of the derogation mentioned in article R. 7123-5 is subject to the conclusion and extension of a branch agreement, providing in particular for the methods of distributing the financing of medical surveillance.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Seven: Provisions specific to certain professions and activities | Book I: Professional journalists, the entertainment, audiovisual, advertising and fashion professions | Title II: Entertainment, audiovisual, advertising and fashion professions | Chapter III: Models and modelling agencies | Section 2: Monitoring the state of health of mannequins in the workplace | Article R7123-6 of the French Labour Code
The implementation of the derogation mentioned in article R. 7123-5 is subject to the conclusion and extension of a branch agreement, providing in particular for the methods of distributing the financing of medical surveillance.
La mise en œuvre de la dérogation mentionnée à l’article R. 7123-5 est subordonnée à la conclusion et à l’extension d’un accord de branche, prévoyant notamment les modalités de répartition du financement de la surveillance médicale.
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