The checks required of the person entering into a contract, as set out in article L. 8222-1, are mandatory for any transaction worth at least €5,000 excluding tax.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Eight: Monitoring the application of employment legislation | Book II: Combating illegal employment | Title II: Undeclared work | Chapter II: Obligations and financial solidarity of principals and project owners | Section 1: Common provisions | Article R8222-1 of the French Labour Code
The checks required of the person entering into a contract, as set out in article L. 8222-1, are mandatory for any transaction worth at least €5,000 excluding tax.
Les vérifications à la charge de la personne qui conclut un contrat, prévues à l’article L. 8222-1, sont obligatoires pour toute opération d’un montant au moins égal à 5 000 euros hors taxes.
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