Article R8222-1 of the French Labour Code
The checks required of the person entering into a contract, as set out in article L. 8222-1, are mandatory for any transaction worth at least €5,000 excluding tax.
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The checks required of the person entering into a contract, as set out in article L. 8222-1, are mandatory for any transaction worth at least €5,000 excluding tax.
The injunction sent to the co-contractor by the project owner or the principal, pursuant to the first paragraph of Article L. 8222-5, shall be sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
The injunction sent to the company in an irregular situation by the legal entity governed by public law, pursuant to the first paragraph of Article L. 8222-6, shall be sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. The company given formal notice has fifteen days to respond to the public entity.
A private individual who enters into a contract for his or her own personal use, that of his or her spouse, partner in a civil solidarity pact, cohabitee or of his or her ascendants or descendants, shall be deemed to have carried out the checks required by article L. 8222-1 if, when the contract is entered into and every six months until the end of its performance, he or she…
Where the person entering into the contract is not a private individual who meets the conditions laid down in article D. 8222-4, he is deemed to have carried out the checks required by article L. 8222-1 if he obtains from his co-contractor, at the time of entering into the contract and every six months until the end of its performance : 1° A certificate of provision of the social security…
A private individual who enters into a contract for his or her own personal use, that of his or her spouse, partner in a civil solidarity pact, cohabitee or of his or her ascendants or descendants, shall be deemed to have carried out the checks required by article L. 8222-4 if he or she obtains from his or her co-contractor, established or domiciled abroad, one of the documents listed in…
Where the person entering into the contract is not a private individual meeting the conditions set out in article D. 8222-6, he shall be deemed to have carried out the checks required by article L. 8222-4 if, when the contract is concluded and every six months until the end of its performance, its co-contractor established or domiciled abroad provides it with: 1° In all cases, the following documents: a) A…
The documents and certificates listed in article D. 8222-7 are written in French or accompanied by a French translation.
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