The amount of exceptional aid may not exceed €50,000.
The cumulative amount of the exceptional aid and the subsidies received by the foreign sales company under decree no. 2020-371 of 30 March 2020 relating to the solidarity fund for companies particularly affected by the economic, financial and social consequences of the spread of the covid-19 epidemic and the measures taken to limit this spread and decree no. 2021-310 of 24 March 2021 instituting aid to compensate for the uncovered fixed costs of companies whose business is particularly affected by the covid-19 epidemic may not exceed €250,000.
The amount of exceptional aid may not exceed an amount corresponding to 80% of the loss of turnover resulting from the activity of selling cinematographic works abroad suffered in 2021 compared with the turnover achieved for the same activity in 2019, less the amount of other aid received for 2021, in particular aid granted under decree no. 2020-371 of 30 March 2020 relating to the solidarity fund for companies particularly affected by the covid-19 epidemic and measures taken to limit its spread, and other exceptional aid granted by the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée.