If the Prefect considers that there is no substantial difference, or if a substantial difference has been identified and the applicant has passed the aptitude test, the Prefect will issue the applicant with a sports instructor professional card or a receipt for a declaration of provision of services which, depending on the diploma in question, mentions the following conditions of practice:
a) For the “traditional method” (TRAD) option of the “parachuting” qualification of the BP JEPS: “Teaching of the traditional method in any establishment”;
b) For the “accompanied progression in freefall” (PAC) option of the “parachuting” qualification of the BP JEPS: “Teaching of accompanied progression in freefall in any establishment”;
c) For the “tandem jumping” (TANDEM) option of the “parachuting” option of the BP JEPS: “Teaching of tandem jumping in any establishment”;
d) For the “parachuting activities” option of the DE JEPS: “Teaching, leading, supervising parachuting or training parachutists”.