The Director of the Ecole Nationale de Voile et des Sports Nautiques is appointed by order of the Minister for Sport.
The director of the school has the following powers in particular:
1° He/she represents the school in legal proceedings and in all civil acts;
2° He prepares the work and carries out the decisions of the Board of Directors;
3° He prepares and implements the school’s budget;
4° He is the authorising officer for expenditure and revenue;
5° He is responsible for the administrative, technical and financial management of the establishment;
6° He concludes the establishment’s agreements and is the person responsible for contracts;
7° He has authority over all staff assigned to the establishment or made available to it, as well as over any person working in the establishment, in accordance with their status;
8° He takes all measures, in liaison with the competent administrative authorities, to ensure the safety of people and property, hygiene and sanitation;
9° He shall ensure that the rights and duties of staff are respected and that the internal regulations are applied;
10° He may, under the conditions he determines, delegate his signature to one or more of his deputies and to category A civil servants under his authority.
The Director informs the Board of Directors of his management and reports to the supervisory authority.