Article D211-38 of the French Sports Code
The Ecole Nationale de Voile et des Sports Nautiques is administered by a Board of Directors and managed by a Director.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Sports Code | Regulatory part - Decrees | BOOK II: PLAYERS IN SPORT | TITLE I: TRAINING AND EDUCATION | Chapter I: Training for sports professions | Section 1: Public training establishments | Subsection 3: The National Sailing and Watersports School | Paragraph 2: Operation
The Ecole Nationale de Voile et des Sports Nautiques is administered by a Board of Directors and managed by a Director.
The Board of Directors comprises : 1° Seven representatives of the State: a) The Director of Sport and two other representatives of the Minister for Sport; b) A representative of the Minister for the Sea; c) A representative of the Minister for Higher Education; d) A representative of the Minister for the Environment; e) The regional academic delegate for youth, commitment and sport in Brittany; 2° Four qualified personalities: a)…
The Chairman of the Board of Directors is appointed by order of the Minister for Sport from among the members of the Board mentioned in b of 2° of article D. 211-39. If the Chairman is unable to attend, the Board of Directors meets under the chairmanship of one of the Board members mentioned in b of 2° of article D. 211-39 and appointed by the Minister for Sport.
The term of office for members of the Board of Directors is three years. It may be renewed. If the seat of a member of the Board of Directors falls vacant more than six months before the expiry of his/her term of office, another member is appointed under the same conditions for the remainder of the term, except for elected members who are replaced by their alternates until the end…
The duties of a member of the Board of Directors are performed free of charge. However, they entitle the holder to reimbursement of travel and subsistence expenses in accordance with Decree no. 2006-781 of 3 July 2006 setting the terms and conditions for payment of expenses incurred in the temporary travel of civil servants of the French State.
The Board of Directors meets at least twice a year and is convened by its Chairman, who sets the agenda. The Board of Directors may only deliberate if at least half of its members are present. If the quorum is not reached, the Board of Directors is reconvened with the same agenda within a maximum of twenty-one days. It shall then deliberate validly, regardless of the number of members present….
The Board of Directors decides on the business of the school. In particular, it deliberates on : 1° The general policy and objectives of the establishment and gives its approval to the general guidelines and measures relating to the organisation and operation of the establishment; 2° The budget and amending decisions to the budget; 3° The financial statements and the allocation of the results for the financial year; 4° The…
The deliberations of the Board of Directors and the decisions taken by the Director acting on behalf of the Board of Directors which, within a period of ten days following receipt of the minutes or the decision by the Minister for Sport, have not been the subject of either a request for reconsideration addressed to the body which took the deliberation or the decision, or of an objection, become enforceable….
The Director of the Ecole Nationale de Voile et des Sports Nautiques is appointed by order of the Minister for Sport. The director of the school has the following powers in particular: 1° He/she represents the school in legal proceedings and in all civil acts; 2° He prepares the work and carries out the decisions of the Board of Directors; 3° He prepares and implements the school’s budget; 4° He…
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