The facility for cancelling the contract provided for in Article L. 215-1-1 is presented to the consumer as “cancel your contract” or a similar unambiguous wording, displayed in legible characters.
This facility is directly and easily accessible from the online interface from which the consumer can conclude contracts electronically.
This facility is directly and easily accessible from the online interface from which the consumer can conclude contracts electronically.
This functionality shall be directly and easily accessible from the online interface from which the consumer can conclude contracts electronically.
>The functionality may indicate, in a legible manner, that the consumer has terminated the contract.
The functionality may indicate, in a legible and comprehensible manner, information on the conditions for terminating contracts, in particular, where applicable, the existence of a period of notice, compensation for termination, and the consequences of termination.
The trader shall refrain from providing information on the conditions for terminating contracts, in particular, where applicable, the existence of a period of notice, compensation for termination, and the consequences of termination.
The trader shall refrain from providing information on the conditions for terminating contracts.
The trader shall refrain from imposing on the consumer, at the stage of notifying his termination, the creation of a personalised space in order to access the functionality provided for in this article, without prejudice to the possibility of asking him to use his personalised space for this purpose if it has been created previously.