I. – The inventory provided for in article L. 2334-17 is drawn up by the legal entity that owns the property. It includes the following information:
A.-General data concerning:
1° The owner: name or company name, common name, SIRET no.;
2° The manager: name or company name, common name, SIRET no.;
3° The previous owner, if different from that of the year of the inventory: name or company name, common name, SIRET no.;
4° The previous manager, if different from that of the year of the inventory: name or company name, common name, SIRET number;
5° The dwellings: the inventory identifies, locates and counts the dwellings located at the same precise address, having received the same initial financing, put into service on the same date and having the same type of construction.
B.-Number of social rental dwellings, within the meaning of Article L. 2334-17, in each complex, on 1 January of the year of the inventory, for each of the following categories:
1° Together;
2° Rented in the social housing stock for the first time during the year preceding the inventory;
3° Sold to private individuals, during the year preceding the inventory;
4° Demolished during the year preceding the inventory;
5° Having changed use during the year preceding the inventory;
6° Resulting from an operation to restructure pre-existing dwellings;
7° Created during the year preceding the inventory, from premises previously intended for a use other than residential;
8° Rented out but vacant on the inventory date;
9° Empty, on the inventory reference date, pending or in the process of major works, sale or demolition.
II. – The precise procedures for collecting and transmitting the information are defined by joint order of the Minister responsible for infrastructure and the Minister responsible for housing.