I. – Articles R. 2151-1 to R. 2151-3 are applicable to the communes of French Polynesia in their wording resulting from decree no. 2019-1302 of 5 December 2019 subject to the adaptations provided for in II.
II. – For the application of Article R. 2151-1:
1° A 5 is added to III as follows:
“5. Minors whose families reside in the territory of the municipality, who reside elsewhere in France because of their studies and who do not come under the provisions of the first paragraph;”
2° A 6 is added to IV to read as follows:
“6. Adults under the age of twenty-five whose families reside in the commune, who reside elsewhere in France because of their studies and who do not come under the provisions of the previous paragraphs;”.