The sum allocated to an employee under the profit-sharing agreement is shown on a separate sheet from the pay slip.
This sheet mentions :
1° The total amount of profit-sharing ;
2° The average amount received by beneficiaries;
3° The amount of rights allocated to the person concerned;
4° The amount deducted in respect of the general social contribution and the contribution to the reimbursement of the social debt;
5° Where the profit-sharing is invested in an employee savings plan, the period from which the rights arising from this investment are negotiable or payable and the cases in which these rights may exceptionally be liquidated or transferred before the expiry of this period;
6° The terms and conditions for the default allocation to the company savings plan of sums allocated under the profit-sharing scheme, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 3315-2.
It also includes, as an appendix, a note recalling the essential rules of calculation and distribution provided for by the profit-sharing agreement.
Unless the employee concerned objects, this separate sheet may be provided electronically, under conditions that guarantee the integrity of the data.