The sentence enforcement judge may, without proceeding with the adversarial debate provided for in Article 712-6, declare by reasoned order that a request for sentence adjustment is inadmissible pursuant to the provisions of Articles D. 49-11 and D. 49-12 or because it has been submitted by a convicted offender who has not served the time required by law to qualify for the measure requested, where applicable due to the existence of a security period. The same applies to requests falling within the jurisdiction of the sentence enforcement court, the inadmissibility of which may also be determined directly by the sentence enforcement judge to whom the request has been addressed pursuant to the provisions of article D. 49-11, without prejudice to the president of the sentence enforcement court himself determining such inadmissibility if the file has been forwarded by the judge to the court.
This order is notified to the sentenced person in accordance with the provisions of the third paragraph of Article D. 49-18 and may be appealed under the conditions set out in Article D. 49-39, within twenty-four hours of its notification. The appeal is examined by the president of the enforcement division of the court of appeal.