An insured who, for non-professional purposes, takes out an insurance contract which complements a good or service sold by a supplier may cancel this contract, without charge or penalty, as long as it has not been fully performed or the insured has not called in any guarantee, and within a maximum period of thirty calendar days from the conclusion of the contract. Where the insured benefits from one or more free insurance premiums, this period only begins to run once all or part of the first premium has been paid.
Before taking out an insurance contract, the insurer shall provide the insured with a document inviting him/her to check that he/she is not already the beneficiary of a guarantee covering one of the risks covered by the new contract and informing him/her of the waiver option referred to in the first paragraph. A decree issued by the Minister responsible for insurance sets out the content and format of this information document.
Where the policyholder has exercised the right to cancel under the conditions set out in the first paragraph, the insurer is obliged to reimburse any premium paid by the policyholder within thirty days of the date on which the right to cancel is exercised. However, the full amount of the premium remains payable to the insurer if the policyholder exercises his right of renunciation when a claim involving the cover provided by the contract has occurred during the renunciation period provided for in the first paragraph.
This article applies to insurance contracts covering :
1° the risk of malfunction, loss, including theft, or damage to the goods supplied ;
2° damage to or loss, including theft, of luggage and other risks connected with a journey, even if the insurance covers life or civil liability, provided that this cover is ancillary to the main cover relating to the risks connected with this journey; or
3° or the loss, including theft, of means of payment and any other goods included in an offer relating to means of payment.