State departments and the bodies under its supervision shall assist the Agency in the performance of its duties.
The information required to carry out its duties under 1°, 2° and 6° of article L. 1413-1 is sent to the Agency by :
1° Health professionals ;
2° The State and local authorities, their public establishments, civil protection or emergency services, the armed forces health service, regional health observatories and social security organisations, as well as student health promotion services, university or inter-university preventive medicine and health promotion services and the other public and private correspondents of the national public health network mentioned in article L. 1413-3;
3° Occupational health and prevention services or, in the case of personal health data, occupational physicians;
4° Public and private companies, in order to improve knowledge and prevention of health risks in the workplace. The Agency contributes to the setting up of epidemiological surveillance in these companies, particularly in conjunction with occupational health and prevention services.
At the Agency’s request, the persons providing the external funeral services referred to inarticle L. 2223-19 of the General Local Authorities Code shall provide it with all the information necessary for it to carry out its duties.
The Agency shall receive expert reports and evaluation, monitoring and inspection reports relating to health monitoring and health safety, produced by the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé, the Agence nationale chargée de la sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail and by State departments or public establishments attached to it.