The contracts mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 224-69 are defined as follows:
1° A timeshare contract is a contract of a duration of more than one year by which a consumer acquires, for consideration, the use of one or more immovable or movable properties, for residential purposes, for specified or determinable periods ;
2° A long-term holiday product contract is a contract of a duration of more than one year by which a consumer acquires, for consideration, the right to accommodation for a specified or determinable period with discounts or other advantages or services;
3° A resale contract is a service contract whereby a professional, for consideration, assists a consumer with a view to the sale, resale or purchase of a timeshare or long-term holiday product;
4° An exchange contract is a contract for consideration by which a consumer gains access to an exchange system which enables him, in return for his timeshare or long-term holiday product contract, to gain access to the enjoyment of another property or accommodation or to other services.
For the contracts referred to in 1° and 2°, the determination of the minimum duration takes into account any contractual renewal or tacit extension clause bringing them to a duration of more than one year.