The organisations bound by a branch agreement or, failing that, by professional agreements meet, at least once every three years, to negotiate on working conditions, forward-looking management of jobs and skills, in particular to meet the challenges of the ecological transition, and on taking into account the effects of exposure to the occupational risk factors listed in article L. 4161-1.
Negotiations on the forward-looking management of jobs and skills may take place at regional level and will be based on the work of the Observatoire Prospectif des Métiers et des Qualifications set up by the Commission Paritaire Nationale de l’Emploi (National Joint Employment Commission) at the level of each branch, while ensuring that the aim is to promote a mix of occupations. This observatory will pay particular attention to professional changes linked to the sectors and professions involved in the ecological and energy transition.
In addition, the organisations mentioned in the first paragraph meet every three years to negotiate on the matters defined in Articles L. 2242-15 and L. 2242-16.