The Autorité de contrôle des nuisances aéroportuaires is an independent administrative authority made up of ten members appointed for their expertise in the economic, legal or technical fields or for their knowledge of the environment, human health or air transport:
1° A Chairman appointed by decree in the Council of Ministers, who holds office on a full-time basis;
2° Two members appointed respectively by the President of the National Assembly and the President of the Senate;
3° Seven members, appointed by decree in the Council of Ministers, with expertise in :
-acoustics, nominated by the Minister for the Environment ;
noise pollution, on the proposal of the Minister for the Environment; – air pollution from aviation, on the proposal of the Minister for the Environment; and
– atmospheric emissions from aviation, on the recommendation of the Minister for Civil Aviation;
– the impact of airport activity on the environment, at the proposal of the Minister for the Environment; – human health, at the proposal of the Minister for Civil Aviation; – the environment, at the proposal of the Minister for the Environment;
human health, on the recommendation of the Minister in charge of health; – aeronautics, on the recommendation of the Minister in charge of aeronautics;
aeronautics, on the recommendation of the Minister for Civil Aviation; – air navigation, on the recommendation of the Minister for Civil Aviation
-air navigation, on the recommendation of the Minister in charge of civil aviation.
The term of office for members of the authority is six years. They may not be removed.
To ensure that half of the authority’s membership is renewed, five members are appointed every three years.
Except in the case of resignation, the duties of a member may only be terminated in the event of an impediment established by the authority under conditions defined by it.
Any member who engages in an activity or holds an office, employment or interest that is incompatible with his office shall be automatically declared to have resigned, after consultation with the authority, in accordance with the procedures required for his appointment.
If, during his term of office, the chairman or a member of the authority ceases to hold office, the term of office of his successor shall be limited to the remainder of his term. The successor shall be appointed within two months.
The term of office of the members of the authority shall not be renewable. However, this rule does not apply to members whose term of office, in application of the above paragraph, has not exceeded two years.
The authority may only deliberate if at least five of its members are present. If it is unable to deliberate, a meeting must be held within a maximum of one month. Decisions are taken by a majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.
The duties of chairman are remunerated and the duties of member of the authority are compensated in accordance with the conditions laid down by interministerial decree.