In order to implement the employee’s right to leave as defined in article L. 3142-1, a company collective agreement or agreement or, failing that, an industry agreement or agreement determines the duration of each of the leaves mentioned in the same article L. 3142-1, which may not be less than :
1° Four days for the employee’s marriage or the conclusion of a civil solidarity pact ;
2° One day for the marriage of a child;
3° Three days for each birth. This period of leave begins, at the employee’s choice, on the day of the child’s birth or on the first working day thereafter;
3° bis Three days for the arrival of a child placed for adoption;
4° Twelve days for the death of a child or fourteen days when the child is under twenty-five years of age and regardless of age if the deceased child was a parent or in the event of the death of a person under twenty-five years of age who was effectively and permanently dependent on the employee;
5° Three days for the death of a spouse, partner in a civil solidarity pact, cohabitee, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother or sister;
6° Five days for the announcement of the onset of a disability, a chronic pathology requiring therapeutic training or cancer in a child.
The days of leave referred to in this article are working days.