The metropolis of Lyon is automatically substituted, for the competences set out in articles L. 3641-1 et L. 3641-2, to the syndicat de communes or the syndicat mixte whose perimeter is identical to its own or totally included within its own. All the assets, rights and obligations necessary for the exercise of these powers are transferred to the metropolis, which is automatically substituted for the syndicate in all the latter’s deliberations and acts relating to these powers. The staff required to exercise these powers are deemed to come under the authority of the Metropole de Lyon, under the latter’s conditions of status and employment.
The Metropole de Lyon is substituted, for the powers provided for in article L. 3641-1, within the syndicat de communes or the syndicat mixte whose perimeter is partially included within its own, for the communes located on the territory of the Metropole and their public establishments for the part of their perimeter included within its own, members of this syndicate. The powers of the syndicate, which becomes a mixed syndicate within the meaning of Article L. 5721-2, and the perimeter within which it exercises its powers are not modified.
The statutes of the unions concerned existing on the date of promulgation of Law no. 2014-58 of 27 January 2014 on the modernisation of territorial public action and the affirmation of metropolises are brought into line with the second paragraph of this article within six months of the creation of the metropolis.
The metropolis of Lyon is substituted for the urban community of Lyon within the metropolitan cluster, mixed syndicates or any public establishment of which it is a member.
The metropolis of Lyon and the Rhône department are ex officio members of the mixed syndicates to which the Rhône department belongs on 31 December 2014 when these syndicates have jurisdiction over their respective territories. They are also ex officio members of mixed syndicates that manage port or airport facilities.