The purpose of an interprofessional ambulatory care company is :
1° The pooling of resources to facilitate the exercise of the professional activity of each of its members;
2° The joint practice, by its members, of therapeutic coordination, therapeutic education or cooperation between healthcare professionals;
3° Provided, in the case of a “maison de santé” referred to in article L. 6323-3, that its articles of association so provide:
a) The practice, by healthcare professionals employed by the company, of primary care activities as defined in article L. 1411-11 and, where applicable, secondary care activities as defined in article L. 1411-12 as well as other activities contributing to the implementation of the healthcare project;
b) The collection on the company’s account of all or part of the remuneration for the activities of its members or those of any other professional contributing to the implementation of the healthcare project and the payment of remuneration to each of them. The professional involved in implementing the healthcare project is a signatory to this project under the conditions laid down in the last paragraph of article L. 6323-3.
The activities mentioned in 2° are specified by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.