The profession of industrial property attorney is incompatible:
1° With any activity of a commercial nature, whether exercised directly or through an intermediary;
2° With the capacity of partner in a general partnership, general partner in a limited partnership or partnership limited by shares, manager of a limited liability company, chairman of the board of directors, member of the management board, managing director or deputy managing director of a public limited company, chairman or manager of a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company), manager of a société civile (non-trading company), unless the purpose of these companies is the practice of the profession of industrial property attorney or a profession provided for in Title IV bis of the aforementioned Law no. 90-1258 of 31 December 1990 or the management of related professional interests or family interests ;
3° With the status of member of the supervisory board or director of a commercial company, where the industrial property attorney has less than seven years of professional practice and has not previously obtained an exemption under conditions laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.