The contribution payable by civil aviation flight crews to the pension fund set up in application of article L. 426-1 is deducted from the remuneration received each time they are paid. The persons concerned may not object to this deduction.
The amount of the contributions deducted in advance and the contributions payable by the farmer must be paid by the farmer to the pension fund within the time limits set by the fund’s Board of Directors.
Payments which are not made within the above time limit are subject to a late payment surcharge at the rate applicable to the general social security scheme.
Payment of contributions is guaranteed for one year from the date on which they fall due:
a) By a movable lien which ranks concurrently with the lien established by Article 2331 (3°) of the Civil Code;
b) By a legal mortgage which takes precedence from the date of its registration in the real estate register.