Disciplinary proceedings against a doctor may only be brought before the disciplinary chamber by one of the following persons or authorities:
1° The Conseil national or the body of the Medical Council of New Caledonia or that of French Polynesia, acting on their own initiative or following complaints lodged in particular by patients, compulsory social security bodies, medical officers in charge or responsible for the medical control department attached to a social security body, associations for the defence of the rights of patients, users of the health system or persons in precarious situations, which they forward, where appropriate by associating themselves with them ;
2° The Minister for Health, the State representative, the public prosecutor, the President of the Government of New Caledonia or the President of French Polynesia;
3° A trade union or association of practitioners.
Complaints are signed by their author and, in the case of a legal entity, by a person who can prove that he or she is entitled to act. In the latter case, the complaint must be accompanied, on pain of inadmissibility, by the deliberation of the body statutorily competent to authorise the proceedings or, for the body of the ordre or the Conseil national, by the deliberation signed by the president and containing the reasoned opinion of the body or council.
Where the complaint is directed against a student who is not registered on the roll at the date of referral, the body entitled to refer the matter to the Disciplinary Chamber is that of the roll on which the practitioner with whom the replacement or assistantship was carried out is registered.
Complaints are lodged with or sent to the Registrar’s Office.