Only the recruitment of people eligible for a pathway to integration through economic activity entitles them to financial aid for the integration companies, temporary work integration companies, intermediary associations and integration workshops and sites mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 5132-2.
The eligibility of people for a pathway to integration through economic activity is assessed either by a prescriber, the list of whom is set by order of the Minister for Employment, or by a structure for integration through economic activity mentioned in article L. 5132-4.
A Conseil d’Etat decree sets out the terms and conditions for the application of this article, in particular :
1° The conditions for receiving the State aid mentioned in the first paragraph of this article;
2° The specific reception and support conditions;
3° The procedures for collecting, processing and exchanging information and personal data, including the registration number in the register of natural persons, required to determine a person’s eligibility for a pathway to integration through economic activity, as well as to monitor these pathways and the related financial aid;
4° The procedures for assessing a person’s eligibility for a pathway to integration through economic activity and for monitoring by the administration;
5° The conditions under which the ability to prescribe a pathway to integration may be limited, suspended or withdrawn from a structure for integration through economic activity in the event of failure to comply with the rules laid down in this article.