Each year, on a proposal from the public entity mentioned in the last paragraph of article L. 6113-11 and after consulting the national organisations most representative of health care organisations, the ministers responsible for health and social security draw up the list of health care organisations participating in the national cost studies for the following year.
This list is drawn up as follows:
1° A call for applications is made by the public entity mentioned in the last paragraph of Article L. 6113-11. The health care organisations that have applied to participate in the national cost studies must be able to provide the data, particularly medical and accounting data, required to carry them out. If this is not the case, they may be given support to prepare their participation in the national cost studies for the following year;
2° At the end of the call for applications referred to in 1° of this article, if the list of institutions selected is insufficient to provide reliable data on the costs of care within health care institutions, the public entity referred to in the last paragraph of Article L. 6113-11 implements an additional procedure to select health care institutions whose participation in national cost studies would, by virtue of their status or activities, improve the reliability of cost measurement.
The institutions selected in accordance with this additional procedure shall provide the public entity referred to in the last paragraph of Article L. 6113-11 with the information required to ensure that they are able to supply the data required to carry out the national cost studies. Only establishments able to provide such data take part in national cost studies. Establishments that do not meet this condition may be given support to prepare their participation in the following year’s national cost studies.
In the event that a health care organisation selected in accordance with the complementary procedure refuses to provide the public entity mentioned in the last paragraph of the said Article L. 6113-11 with the information mentioned in the penultimate paragraph of this Article, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency shall, after the organisation has been given the opportunity to present its observations, impose a financial penalty, the amount of which may not exceed 1% of the income received by the health care organisation from compulsory health insurance schemes in respect of the last financial year for which the accounts have been closed. This penalty is paid to the health insurance scheme.