For the purposes of article L. 112-2-1, the insurer must provide the policyholder with the following information:
1° The procedures for taking out the contract and paying the premium or contribution.
This information, the commercial nature of which must be unequivocally apparent, is provided in a clear and comprehensible manner by any means appropriate to the distance marketing technique used.
2° In the case of voice telephony, the name of the insurer and the commercial nature of the call are indicated unequivocally at the beginning of any conversation with the policyholder. The person in contact with the policyholder must also state their identity and their relationship with the insurer.
Subject to the formal agreement of the policyholder, only the information mentioned in 2°, 3° and 5° of III of article L. 112-1-12-1 must be communicated to the policyholder. The policyholder is informed that the information mentioned in 1°, 4°, 6° and 7° may be provided on request.
In addition, the insurer is required to provide all the information mentioned in III of article L. 112-2-1 when it fulfils its obligations under article L. 222-6 of the French Consumer Code.