The declaration referred to in article L. 1262-4-4 shall be sent within two working days of the occurrence of the accident at work, by any means that can be relied upon to provide a date certain.
The declaration must include the following information
1° The name or company name as well as the postal and electronic addresses and telephone numbers of the company or establishment which usually employs the employee as well as the references of its registration in a professional register or any other equivalent references;
2° The surname, first names, date and place of birth, address of usual residence, nationality and professional qualification of the victim;
3° The date, time, place and detailed circumstances of the accident, the nature and location of the injuries and, where applicable, the length of time off work;
4° The identity and contact details of any witnesses.
When the declaration of the accident at work is made by the principal or the project owner, it also includes his name or company name, postal and electronic addresses, telephone numbers and, where applicable, the SIRET identification number of the establishment.
In addition, the user undertaking of an employee seconded under the conditions provided for in Article L. 1262-2 who is not affiliated to a French social security scheme shall inform the undertaking performing temporary work of any accident involving this seconded employee.
When the employee seconded under the conditions provided for by article L. 1262-2 is affiliated to a French social security scheme, the declaration is made in accordance with the procedures provided for by article R. 412-2 of the Social Security Code or by the second paragraph of article D. 751-93 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code.