Article R1262-1 of the French Labour Code
When the period of secondment in France exceeds one month, the provisions relating to absences due to illness or accident, set out in article L. 1226-1, are applicable to seconded employees.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Regulatory part | Part One: Individual employment relations | Book II: Employment contracts | Title VI: Employees temporarily seconded by a company not established in France | Chapter II: Conditions of secondment and applicable regulations
When the period of secondment in France exceeds one month, the provisions relating to absences due to illness or accident, set out in article L. 1226-1, are applicable to seconded employees.
The declaration referred to in article L. 1262-4-4 shall be sent within two working days of the occurrence of the accident at work, by any means that can be relied upon to provide a date certain. The declaration must include the following information 1° The name or company name as well as the postal and electronic addresses and telephone numbers of the company or establishment which usually employs the employee…
The provisions relating to the right of expression, set out in Articles L. 2281-1 to L. 2281-4, are applicable to employees seconded under the conditions set out in 2° of Article L. 1262-1.
When the period of secondment in France exceeds one month, the provisions relating to unemployment on public holidays, set out in article L. 3133-3, are applicable to seconded employees.
The specific provisions relating to working hours and rest periods contained in Chapters III and IV of Title I of Book VII of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code are applicable to employees seconded to companies carrying out an activity mentioned in Article L. 713-1 of this Code.
When the period of secondment in France exceeds one month, the provisions relating to the monthly wage system, set out in articles L. 3242-1 and L. 3242-2, are applicable to employees on secondment.
Allowances specific to the secondment are considered as part of the remuneration. However, the sums paid by way of reimbursement of expenses actually incurred as a result of the secondment mentioned in 11° of article L. 1262-4 are excluded and shall be paid by the employer when all of the following conditions are met: 1° They are provided for by legal provisions or contractual stipulations; 2° When the seconded employee…
Subject to the provisions of articles R. 1262-10 to R. 1262-15, the provisions relating to : 1° The assumption of costs relating to occupational health services, as provided for in article L. 4622-6 ; 2° The tasks of the occupational health physician provided for in article R. 4623-1 and those of the other members of the multidisciplinary occupational health team referred to in article L. 4622-8 ; 3° To the…
A seconded employee is entitled to the services of an occupational health service, unless the employer, established in a Member State of the European Union, a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or in the Swiss Confederation, can prove that the employee is subject to equivalent supervision in his country of origin.
In the cases provided for in 1° and 2° of article L. 1262-1 and in article L. 1262-2, the user undertaking or the employer shall be responsible for the material organisation of the employee’s occupational health obligations within the framework of its occupational health service.
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