Allowances specific to the secondment are considered as part of the remuneration. However, the sums paid by way of reimbursement of expenses actually incurred as a result of the secondment mentioned in 11° of article L. 1262-4 are excluded and shall be paid by the employer when all of the following conditions are met:
1° They are provided for by legal provisions or contractual stipulations;
2° When the seconded employee has to move to or from his usual place of work on national territory or when he is temporarily sent by his employer from this usual place of work to another place of work.
Where the employer does not provide proof of payment of all or part of the allowance specific to the secondment in respect of the remuneration or expenses actually incurred as a result of the secondment pursuant to the employment contract or the law governing the latter, the entire allowance shall be deemed to have been paid by way of reimbursement of expenses and shall be excluded from the remuneration.