When it takes one of the measures provided for in 2° of I and 2° of II of article L. 131-4, the insurance undertaking shall make available to policyholders, members and beneficiaries, by any means and at least by a mention on its website, information comprising the following items:
1° The name of the units of account concerned ;
2° A description of the measures taken and their planned or estimated duration;
3° The procedures for postponing and revoking a transaction request that has not been executed in whole or in part;
4° The procedures for settling transactions on the contract.
When the member or policyholder of a contract whose guarantees are expressed in the units of account concerned by one of the measures provided for in 2° of I and 2° of II of article L. 131-4 requests a transaction on one of these units of account, the insurance undertaking shall inform him by any means, at the time of his request, of the information referred to in the first paragraph. Failing this, these measures cannot be invoked against the member or policyholder.
At the end of the period of implementation of the measures provided for in 2° of I and 2° of II of article L. 131-4, the insurance undertaking shall provide each member, policyholder or beneficiary who has requested a transaction to which these measures were applicable with a statement detailing the effects of the measures taken on the transactions carried out.