Unlisted companies whose sole purpose is real estate or property, as referred to in 2° of article R. 131-1 , must meet the following conditions:
1° Unlisted shares in non-trading companies whose sole object is real estate may not be used as the sole reference value for a contract.
2° The assets of the unlisted real estate company making up the unit of account, or of each of the real estate or property companies if the policy relates to several units of account, must comprise at least five properties with a total minimum value of 15,244,901.72 euros, estimated in accordance with the provisions of article R. 131-2.
3° The assets of the unlisted property or real estate company must at all times consist of at least 70% of the units or rights defined in articles 9° and 9° bis of article R. 332-2. The balance of the company’s investments must belong to the categories referred to in 1°, 2°, 2° bis and 3° of the same article.