In its deliberations, the Board of Directors sets the general guidelines for the agency.
It deliberates on :
1° Multi-year strategic guidelines;
2° The contract of objectives and performance signed with the State;
3° The work programme and the annual activity report;
4° The multi-annual investment plan;
5° The establishment’s initial budget and amending budgets, the financial account, the allocation of profits, the employment table and loans;
6° Contracts, public procurement contracts, grants and subsidies for amounts in excess of thresholds that it sets, and those involving commitments for a period in excess of a period that it defines, and subject to the provisions of II of article L. 1413-9 for those entered into at the request of the Minister for Health pursuant to the provisions of article L. 1413-4 ;
7° The general organisation of the Agency;
8° The agency’s internal regulations;
9° The general conditions of employment and recruitment of staff and the conditions of remuneration of other persons providing assistance to the agency;
10° Acquisitions, disposals, exchanges of buildings and leases relating thereto;
11° Acceptance of gifts and bequests in excess of a threshold it determines;
12° Fees for services rendered and remuneration of any kind owed to the Agency in excess of a threshold it determines;
13° Authorisation to institute legal proceedings and to negotiate and conclude settlements;
14° Participation in public interest groups or any other bodies, whatever their legal nature;
15° The procedures for implementing the rules of professional conduct applicable to members of the Agency’s boards and committees, its agents, health reservists and persons who occasionally provide assistance to the Agency or its bodies;
16° The procedures for implementing the rules of professional conduct applicable to the Agency’s co-contractors;
17° The list of members of the Scientific Advisory Board;
18° The list of members of the Ethics Committee;
19° The list of members of the Steering and Dialogue Committee;
20° Rules governing the admissibility of referrals to the Agency other than those governed by article R. 1413-28;
21° The rules for determining the allowances due to medical reservists or their employers for periods of activity and training in the medical reserve.
Each year, it is informed of all the contracts, markets or agreements concluded during the previous year, with the exception of those concluded in application of the deliberations of its restricted formation.