When, before the traveller’s departure, the organiser or retailer is obliged to make a change to one of the essential elements of the contract, if he cannot meet the specific requirements mentioned in 1° of article R. 211-6, or in the event of a price increase of more than 8%, it shall inform the traveller as soon as possible, in a clear, comprehensible and visible manner, on a durable medium:
1° Of the changes proposed and, if applicable, their repercussions on the price of the trip or holiday;
2° Of the reasonable period of time within which the traveller must inform the organiser or retailer of the decision he has taken;
3° Of the consequences of the traveller’s failure to reply within the set period of time;
4° If applicable, of the other service proposed, as well as its price.
If the changes to the contract or the alternative service result in a reduction in the quality of the journey or stay or in its cost, the traveller is entitled to an appropriate price reduction.
If the contract is cancelled and the traveller does not accept an alternative service, the organiser or retailer shall reimburse all payments made by or on behalf of the traveller as soon as possible and in any event no later than fourteen days after the cancellation of the contract, without prejudice to compensation in application of article L. 211-17.