I.-Exceptionally, when the death has not occurred in a public or private health establishment or in an accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people mentioned in the article L. 313-12 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles, the death certificate may be drawn up on paper and sent, as soon as possible, in accordance with the following procedures:
The doctor, student or practitioner who recorded the death completes and signs the two parts of the death certificate as well as each of the three sheets of the administrative part. He closes the medical section before sending the death certificate to the town hall of the place of death. The agency, company or association authorised under the conditions defined in article L. 2223-23, responsible for providing for the funeral and, if the body is transported, the town hall of the place where the body is deposited and the funeral home manager are each recipients of a sheet of the administrative section.
The civil registrar of the town hall of the place of death keeps the administrative section and sends, under conditions that guarantee the confidentiality and protection of the data:
1° To the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques a bulletin containing the information mentioned in last paragraph of article 5 of decree no. 82-103 of 22 January 1982 as amended relating to the national register of identification of natural persons ;
2° To the Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, via the regional health agency within whose jurisdiction the death occurred, the closed medical section, together with a bulletin containing the information mentioned in 1°, excluding the surname and first name of the deceased.
II.-When, for technical reasons, the administrative section of the electronic certificate cannot be sent to the town hall by secure dematerialised means, it is issued in paper format and sent to the town hall in four copies signed by the doctor, student or practitioner. The agency, company or association authorised under the conditions defined in article L. 2223-23, responsible for providing the funeral and, if the body is transported, the town hall of the place where the body is deposited and the funeral home manager are each sent one of these copies.