When it rules on compulsory medical liability insurance as provided for in Article L. 251-1 on referrals from self-employed health professionals, the Central Pricing Office may decide to apply either a fixed excess, the maximum amount of which is set at 10,000 euros per claim, subject to a limit of 200,000 euros per insurance year, or a proportional excess, the maximum amount of which per claim is set at 20% of the amount of compensation due, subject to a limit of 100,000 euros per insurance year.
For other persons subject to the compulsory insurance stipulated in Article L. 251-1, the Central Tariff Office may decide to apply a fixed excess, the maximum amount of which is set at 20% of the amount of the guarantee ceiling stipulated in the contract, or a proportional excess, the maximum amount of which is set at 30% of the amount of compensation due, or both.