When, pursuant to Articles L. 215-1 and L. 215-2, the Central Rates Office rules in matters of tenants’ and lessors’ civil liability insurance or co-owners’ civil liability insurance on a referral from a person subject to the obligations set out in these Articles, it may decide to apply an excess, the maximum amount of which per claim is set at 1,000 euros.
When, pursuant to Article L. 215-2, the Central Rates Office decides on a claim by a person subject to the obligations set out in that Article, it may decide to apply an excess, the maximum amount of which is set at :
5,000 euros per claim for syndicates of co-owners referred to in article 41-8 of law no. 65-557 of 10 July 1965 laying down the status of co-ownership of built-up properties ;
10,000 euros per claim for other associations.