The reception certificate provided for in article L. 313-2 for stays of a family or private nature conforms to a model defined by order of the minister responsible for immigration. It states:
1° The identity of the signatory and, if he is acting as the representative of a legal entity, his capacity;
2° The place where the foreign national is to be received;
3° The identity and nationality of the person received;
4° The planned dates of arrival and departure;
5° The family relationship, if any, of the person signing the reception certificate with the person being received;
6° Previous reception certificates signed by the host, if any;
7° The characteristics of the place of accommodation;
8° The host’s undertaking to cover the foreign national’s accommodation costs.
The certificate also specifies whether the foreign national intends to fulfil the insurance obligation set out in article L. 311-1 himself or whether, in accordance with article L. 313-8, the obligation will be fulfilled by insurance taken out for his benefit by the person offering to accommodate him.