The indemnity, if any, payable by the borrower, provided for in article L. 315-17, may not exceed an amount corresponding to the following terms and conditions:
1° Where the capital amount of the loan is paid in a single instalment:
a) Four months’ interest on the capital to be repaid, at the interest rate for the loan set out in the loan agreement, if the request for early repayment is made between the first year of the loan and the end of the fourth year;
b) Two months’ interest on the capital to be repaid, at the interest rate for the loan set out in the loan agreement, if the request for early repayment is made between the fifth year of the loan and the end of the ninth year ;
c) One month’s interest on the capital to be repaid, at the interest rate for the loan shown in the loan contract, if the request for repayment occurs from the tenth year onwards;
2° Where the capital amount of the loan is paid periodically:
a) 5/12 of the instalments due for the first year, if the request for early repayment is made between the date of the first instalment of the loan and the end of the fourth year;
b) 3/12 of all the instalments made in the first year, if the request for early repayment is made between the fifth year of the loan and the end of the ninth year;
c) 2/12 of all the instalments made in the first year, if the request for repayment is made from the tenth year onwards.
The reference year provided for in this article corresponds to a period of 12 months from the payment or first capital instalment of the loan contract.