I – The formation of the mutual insurance group companies referred to in the third paragraph of article L. 322-1-3 is subject to the provisions of articles R. 322-46 and R. 322-52 of this code.
II – The signatories of the deed of incorporation of the company referred to in article R. 322-46 or their authorised representatives record its creation by a declaration made before a notary. The following documents are attached to this declaration
a) A duly certified list of the signatory companies, indicating, for each of them, their name, their registered office, the amount of their technical commitments and their turnover by branch;
b) A copy of the articles of association;
c) The documents referred to in 2, 4 and 5 of Article R. 322-51.
III – The provisions of articles R. 322-85 to R. 322-89 relating to advertising are applicable to companies governed by this section.