All prospectuses, posters, circulars, notices, advertisements or any other documents relating to company loans must explicitly state that a lien has been established for the benefit of policyholders under article L. 327-2 and indicate that the lender, even if insured, does not benefit from any lien for the interest and repayment of the loan. This information must also be clearly shown on the loan documents.
Each year, the company’s expenses must include a constant sum intended for the payment of interest and the repayment of loans or for the constitution of a reserve for the amortisation of loans. With the authorisation of the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution, this requirement may be waived for a period of five years following the issue date of the loan. This obligation does not apply to loans contracted for the constitution and, where applicable, the replenishment of the complementary social fund, nor to subordinated securities and loans.