I.-The authorisation provided for in Article L. 3261-7 is issued by the Minister for Transport to companies that can prove they supply or market the goods or services mentioned in Articles L. 3261-3 and L. 3261-3-1.
In particular, it is issued to companies that can prove they provide one or more of the following services:
1° Sale of cycles and pedal-assist cycles;
2° Retail sale of equipment for cycles and pedal-assist cycles;
3° Maintenance and repair of cycles and pedal-assist cycles;
4° Sale of tickets giving access to secure cycle parking;
5° Insurance for cycles and pedal-assist cycles;
6° Hire, for any length of time, and self-service provision of cycles, pedal-assist cycles, personal mobility devices, mopeds and motorbikes;
7° Sale of motorised personal transport devices;
8° Car-sharing services;
9° Self-service hire of electric, rechargeable hybrid or hydrogen vehicles accessible on the public highway;
10° Sale of public transport tickets;
11° Retail sale of fuels;
12° Sale of power supplies or recharging for electric, rechargeable hybrid or hydrogen vehicles.
II.The application for authorisation must be submitted by the company’s legal representative.
The composition of the file that must be attached to this application and the procedures for submitting it are set by order of the Minister responsible for transport.
If the administration remains silent for fifteen days from receipt of a complete file, the application is deemed to have been accepted.
The list of companies benefiting from authorisation is made available to the public by the Minister responsible for transport.
III. – The authorisation is withdrawn if a company fails to comply with its obligations.Approval is withdrawn in the event of a breach of the obligations mentioned in the second paragraph of article R. 3261-13-6 or when a company ceases to provide the services for which it was approved.
IV – The use of an issuer’s securities is subject to the conclusion, between the issuer and approved companies wishing to accept these securities, of an affiliation agreement providing, in particular, for the payment of all or part of the fees identified in article L. 3261-5.