Applications for inclusion on the list of ad hoc administrators provided for in article R. 343-2 are sent to the public prosecutor at the judicial court in whose jurisdiction the applicant resides.
The public prosecutor examines the applications. He obtains the opinion of the guardianship judge, the children’s judge, the liberty and detention judge, the president of the departmental council and the inter-regional director of the judicial protection of young people and sends the file to the president of the judicial court for the opinion of the court’s general assembly.
He then sends the file with the opinion of the court’s general assembly to the public prosecutor who refers it to the first president of the court of appeal for consideration by the court’s general assembly.
The general assembly draws up the list of ad hoc administrators, after hearing the magistrate responsible for the report and the public prosecutor.
The persons on the list provided for in article R. 53 of the code of criminal procedure who provide proof of training in supporting the asylum application of unaccompanied minors are also included on the list of ad hoc administrators provided for in article R. 343-2.