A receipt will be issued once the application is complete.
An application for authorisation submitted by a natural person must state the applicant’s marital status, profession and place of residence, as well as the address of its registered office.
An application for authorisation submitted on behalf of a legal entity shall state the company name, legal form, articles of association, address of the registered office and its secondary establishments or local delegations, as well as the marital status and place of residence of the legal or statutory representative(s) authorised to submit the application.
The application for authorisation must be accompanied by a file containing :
1° A document setting out the applicant’s motivations and also outlining its main activities and, where applicable, its skills and experience in organising holiday breaks and adapted breaks for disabled adults;
2° A note providing the following information and documents:
a) The registration certificate mentioned in I of article R. 211-21, if applicable;
b) A civil liability insurance certificate covering the activities of the planned holidays, as well as an insurance certificate in the event of repatriation;
c) A general presentation of the planned holidays, including in particular the details mentioned in d to l of this article;
d) The number and locations of holiday breaks planned for the following year, giving an indication of their timing and frequency;
e) The number of people likely to be accommodated per holiday, taking into account the different types of disability;
f) The number, skills and experience of accompanying persons planned for each holiday destination, particularly as regards the supervision of certain sporting activities, as well as the skills and, where appropriate, the experience of the person responsible for running the holiday at the destination;
g) The measures envisaged in the event that additional accompanying adults need to be recruited as a matter of urgency;
h) The entertainment and activities planned during the holiday;
i) Transport arrangements from the usual place of residence to the holiday destination and back, and from the accommodation to the activities during the stay;
j) the medical care envisaged according to the needs and requests of the persons accommodated, and in particular the measures envisaged for the distribution and storage of medicines, as well as the agreements made with a paramedical practice or a doctor close to the place of the organised holiday stay;
k) The existence of a protocol to allow, if necessary, the reorientation, evacuation and repatriation of the persons accommodated during the stay;
l) If the disabled person so requests, the conditions for on-site management of the personal budget of the persons accommodated;
m) An undertaking to certify that the accompanying persons and the person responsible for running the holiday at the holiday destination have not been convicted of any offence recorded in bulletin no. 3 of the criminal record;
3° The model questionnaire sent to the person or their legal representative prior to the holiday in order to ascertain their health needs or problems.