Two months before a holiday is due to take place, any natural or legal person holding “organised adapted holidays” approval is required to inform, by any means, including by fax or e-mail, on the basis of a form conforming to a model laid down by order of the ministers responsible for disabled persons and tourism, the prefect(s) of the department(s) where the holiday is to be organised. It must also attach to this declaration a copy of the authorisation it has received. This time limit may be reduced to one month in the event of a justified emergency.
Eight days before the date set for the organisation of the stay, the holder of the authorisation confirms the organisation of the stay to the prefect(s) of the department(s) of the place(s) concerned by filling in the form in accordance with a model provided for by the order referred to in the first paragraph.
This form states that the accompanying persons and the person responsible for organising the holiday at the holiday destination must not have been convicted of any offence entered in bulletin no. 3 of the criminal record.