Establishments have handling and storage areas to ensure the separation of treated and untreated foodstuffs and equipment to maintain foodstuffs at an appropriate temperature, where necessary.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Consumer Code | New regulatory part | Book IV: CONFORMITY AND SAFETY OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES | Title I: COMPLIANCE | Chapter IV: Provisions relating to certain establishments | Article R414-3 of the French Consumer Code
Establishments have handling and storage areas to ensure the separation of treated and untreated foodstuffs and equipment to maintain foodstuffs at an appropriate temperature, where necessary.
Les établissements disposent de zones de manutention et d’entreposage permettant d’assurer la séparation des denrées traitées et non traitées et d’équipements permettant, le cas échéant, le maintien des denrées à une température appropriée.
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