The issue of a multi-annual residence permit bearing the words “salarié détaché ICT”, “salarié détaché mobile ICT”, “salarié détaché ICT (famille)” or “salarié détaché mobile ICT (famille)” provided for in articles L. 421-26 to L. 421-29 may be refused in the following situations:
1° The foreign national’s employer, establishment or host company has been penalised for failing to comply with the prohibitions defined in 1° to 4° of article L. 8211-1 of the Labour Code;
2° The foreign national’s employer, establishment or host company has been convicted under article L. 8256-2 of the same code;
3° The foreign national’s employer, establishment or host company has failed to comply with its legal obligations in terms of social security, taxation or employment rights or working conditions.