I.-The Commission is informed of the possibility of insurance cover for the risks and damage mentioned in the first paragraph of I of article L. 425-1. It may request any additional scientific investigations and expert reports that it deems necessary in order to issue its opinion.
II.The Commission’s opinion takes particular account of the following factors:
1° Compliance with the regulations governing the spraying in question;
2° The origin of the damage;
3° Scientific knowledge relating to these risks at the time the spraying was carried out;
4° The existence on the insurance market of products capable of covering the damage for which compensation is sought;
5° The suitability of the damaged land for continuing agricultural or forestry activities or, on the contrary, its temporary or permanent unsuitability.
In the light of all these factors, the commission decides whether the risk is foreseeable, whether the loss is insurable and whether it can be compensated.
It sends its reasoned opinion to the ministers responsible for agriculture, the economy and the environment respectively.