The resources of the guarantee fund for risks relating to the agricultural spreading of urban or industrial sewage sludge are intended to cover:
1° Compensation paid to farmers and owners of agricultural and forestry land mentioned in the first paragraph of I of article L. 425-1 ;
2° Expenses incurred by the Caisse centrale de réassurance in managing the guarantee fund;
3° Repayment of advances from the State;
4° Expenses relating to expert reports and scientific investigations ordered by the fund’s National Expert Commission provided for in article R. 424-12 and the compensation and reimbursement of expenses due, where applicable, to the members of this commission;
5° Banking and financial expenses;
6° Expenses relating to the development and operation of IT tools to ensure the traceability of land application and the keeping of the register of sludge producers and land application;
The amount of costs incurred under 6° in a given year, paid by the fund, may not exceed 10% of the sums recovered in respect of the tax provided for in II of article L. 425-1 in the previous year.